Placid Bay Estates

Property Use Violations

Unkept Properties - Disabled Vehicles - Trailer Living

If you are concerned about unkept properties, disabled vehicles, or people living or camping in trailers within Placid Bay Estates, you may be able to request the Westmoreland County government to address the issue.

The first step is to identify any codes, ordinances, or covenants that a landowner may be violating. If no law addresses your issue, the County cannot assist you.


Placid Bay Estates is zoned as R-2. "These are low-density residential areas, plus certain open areas where similar development is planned. The district is established to stabilize its residential character by permitting low concentration single family dwellings, as well as two family and multifamily dwellings under special exceptions, plus related uses such as schools, churches, parks and public facilities to serve residents of the district, but specifically excluding mobile homes, trailers, campers and tents." (copied from Westmoreland County Zoning 7/29/23)


All properties within Placid Bay Estates have covenants, which are special property use restrictions that differ for each parcel. You can view the covenants for a specific property by requesting a copy of the deed at the Westmoreland County Courthouse.

Enforcement of covenants is a civil matter, meaning that government officials and law enforcement will not enforce them unless a judge has given an order after a civil proceeding. Any resident can file a lawsuit to force a landowner to obey covenants, but this is expensive and you are unlikely to recover legal expenses or damages.

Codes and Ordinances

If you believe that a landowner is violating any codes or ordinances, I suggest you research them in the Westmoreland County Code and the Westmoreland County Zoning Ordinance, both of which are available on the Westmoreland County website at

Contact Land Use Administration

Once you have identified specific code violations, you can contact the Westmoreland County Land Use Administration at 804-493-0120. While the process may not be fast, they diligently use the tools available to enforce compliance. You can visit their website at

Abandoned Structures

For unsafe buildings, typically abandoned homes, you should file a report with the following organizations:

Virginia State Fire Marshall - Division 1 (804) 612-7266
Westmoreland County Land Use Office (804) 493-0120
Oak Grove Volunteer Fire Department (804) 224-0250

Virginia Fire Code addresses the issue of "Vacant Premises" here:

I am not a lawyer, and this advice is not intended to be legal advice. If you have any legal questions, you should consult with an attorney.